Well, here we are into September and almost at the end of the season, the weather is slowly cooling down and the evenings are drawing in; there are only 5 more friendly matches still to play. We are still short of bowlers for some of the games so please ensure you put your names down in the book on the desk in the clubhouse. It makes the Captain’s job so much easier.
So far we’ve played 31 games, won 9, lost 20 and drawn 2. There has been a total of 15 games cancelled, 5 because of the rotten weather, 6 by the opposition and 4 by us due to insufficient bowlers. Although the Phoenix league has now finished, Monday evenings are still club night when members can come down for a roll up. David Peters is still running the Peters Shield on Friday evenings.
Although the end of the season is fast approaching, it is still essential that the wardens open up on Saturdays between 11.00 and 1.00 just in case there are any potential new bowlers calling into the club to investigate playing bowls. The warden duty list to the end of the season is shown below. PLEASE put these dates in your diary, to ensure the green is manned and the side gate opened, it makes the club so much more welcoming.
The warden duty list to the end of the season is below.
Saturday 7th September Pam Venn Beryl Noble
Saturday 14th September Peter Chesser Kamran Nadim
Saturday 21st September Graham Roots Bryony Wood
David Clifton and his green team are still working hard to keep the green in good condition. David will be arranging a working party after the final games of the season to bring all the benches in and to take out all of the styrene sheets in the bottom of the gutters. To the youngish and fittish members of the club, please volunteer to help David. Work on the green continues all winter to ensure that we once again have an excellent green next year.
Some dates for your diaries:
Monday 23rd September is the bowls bash followed by our fish and chip supper which is a fun way to end the season. Please ensure that your names are down on the list in the clubhouse. Cost will be advised nearer the date.
If you look at the fixture list, the AGM was due to be held on Friday 22nd November BUT at the last committee meeting, because a number of our new bowlers are still working, and because parking is so much cheaper on a Sunday, it was decided that we would move the AGM to Sunday 24th November, at 2.00pm, in the clubhouse to be followed by tea and cake. Hopefully this will encourage more members to attend.
If the club is to continue, it is essential that we have a new club Captain, John Leadbeater is not continuing next year, he has enough on his plate as Premises Manager, and we still need a Club Secretary. Both positions will be vacant next year. Help will be given to anyone who “volunteers”. The same committee members can’t go on forever and new blood is needed to keep our club running successfully. If you can possibly help with these positions or any other roll, please let me or one of the committee members know so that you can be proposed and seconded at the AGM.
During the winter, so that you don’t forget how to bowl, Margaret Cornwell will once again be organising sessions at the Indoor Bowls Club, Broadbridge Heath. If you would like to play, please let Margaret know asap, her contact details are below.
Margaret Cornwell
Tel 01403 903099 Mobile 07709 956831
Have a great winter and here’s looking forward to bowling in the Park in 2025
Hope to see some of you soon
Doesn’t time fly when we’re having fun, it only seems like yesterday when I was writing my first newsletter of the season and wondering what to say. Well, here it is August, and the weather has definitely improved but our results haven’t. So far we’ve played 28 games, won 9, lost 17 and drawn 2. The ladies contributed 3 of the winning games in the Nellie Mercer League and In the Mid-Sussex League we have played 6 games, winning 2 and losing 4. There has been a total of 12 games cancelled, 5 because of the rotten weather, 4 by the opposition and 3 we had to cancel due to insufficient bowlers. I must give a big congratulations to Bryony and the ladies for winning all bar 1 of the games played in the Nellie plus they’re still in the Gladys Roland Competition and are through to the semifinals. Also, well done to Bryony for progressing as far as she did in the Champion of Champions. She was finally knocked out by a gentleman who had played in the over 50s nationals.
The Phoenix League is still running and will continue until the 19th August. In addition to the Phoenix League, Monday evenings are club nights, and everyone is encouraged to go down and if not playing in the League, then to join in a roll up. It’s a good time to practice and looking at our results, some of us need the practice. It’s also when some of our newer bowlers come down to meet people and practice. Talking of practice, David Peters is still running the Peters Shield on Friday evenings. This is a good opportunity to get experience of playing in different positions as we redraw for rink and position after each 4 ends.
We are still getting the occasional potential new bowler calling into the club on Saturdays, so it is essential that the wardens are there to open up the side gate and welcome anyone who drops in. Warden duty list to the end of the season is shown below. PLEASE put these dates in your diary, to ensure the green is manned and open to welcome any potential new members. If there is a home game on the Saturday or Sunday, these will be shown on the notice board, can you please lay up the tables for tea.
The warden duty list to the end of the season is below.
Saturday 3rd August David Spurr Angela Spurr
Saturday 10th August David Dunnington Ian Holmes
Saturday 17th August Sheila Howard Margaret Cornwell
Saturday 24th August David Peters Pauline Topper
Saturday 31st August David Spurr Angela Spurr
Saturday 7th September Pam Venn Beryl Noble
Saturday 14th September Peter Chesser Kamran Nadim
Saturday 21st September Graham Roots Bryony Wood
As the League season comes to a close, there are a number of friendly games during August and September so please sign up to as many as you can play in; we don’t want to cancel any more games through lack of players
Once again, the green looks good and is playing well thanks to David Clifton and his green team who are still doing a great job keeping the green in a good condition. If anyone else can help David in this time-consuming job, please let him know, he will be very grateful.
Some dates for your diaries:
Sunday 4th August @ 2.30 our President’s team versus the Captain’s team. If you haven’t already put your names down to play, please do so. Once again this is a fun afternoon playing bowls, spectators are most welcome to support the teams. The match is followed by a super afternoon tea.
Competitions – Please ensure that all competition games are played by the date shown on the draw sheet in the locker room.
The finals day for all competitions is Sunday 25th August starting at 10.00. If you aren’t playing in a final, please come down to the club to support the finalists. It’s a nice social day and you can bring a picnic for lunch.
Our last social event of the season is a bowls bash followed by the fish and chip supper. What a great way to end the season.
Have fun and here’s hoping for a better remainder of the season.
Happy bowling
July is here and the weather has improved somewhat, there was even a mini heatwave for a week, but things have reverted to an english summer, warmish with the occasional shower.
Our season hasn’t improved a lot, we’ve played 18 games, won 6, lost 10 and drawn 2, these include our Border League and Mid-Sussex games. Kamran has managed to put together teams for the Border League thanks to 5 volunteer bowlers from Southwater. The League had to change the rules allowing borrowed players from one club to play as long as that club wasn’t a member of the league. It was also the reason that they allowed one lady per rink otherwise there wouldn’t have been a league.
Can I remind everyone that Monday evenings are club night, not just Phoenix League. Our publicity team have done a great job promoting the general public trying to attract new members. They advertise that the club is open to come and try bowls on Saturdays between 11.00 and 1.00, on Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings. So, I can’t emphasise enough that we must have members at the club on these days. Saturday is the wardens duty, list below. If you are unable to be at the club for your warden duty, you MUST arrange an alternative member to be there. Monday club night and Tuesday morning is John Roby’s bowls bash.
When we get new members, please make them welcome, go out of your way to talk to them and show them what goes on in the clubhouse, ie where the sign-up sheets are and where to sign-up for our social activities.
Whilst I’m on about sign-up sheets, can I please remind you to put your names down in the folder on the desk for games that you can play in. When the league season finishes, second week of August, there will be many friendly games right through to the end of September so please sign up for these otherwise they will have to be cancelled.
Again a reminder that David Peters is still running Peters’ Shield games on a Friday evening so please just go down for an enjoyable evening. It’s very good experience playing in different team positions. We play 12 ends and after each 4th end we redraw for position and rink.
The warden duty list to the end of the season is below. PLEASE put these dates in your diary, to ensure the green is manned and open to welcome any potential new members. If there is a home game on the Saturday or Sunday, these will be shown on the notice board, can you please lay up the tables for tea.
Saturday 6th July John Robey Barbara Rowe
Saturday 13th July Graham Roots Bryony Wood
Saturday 20th July Alan Setchell Josie Allen
Saturday 27th July David Clifton Lorena Daane
Saturday 3rd August Jim Covey Norma Covey
Saturday 10th August David Dunnington Ian Holmes
Saturday 17th August Sheila Howard Margaret Cornwell
Saturday 24th August David Peters Pauline Topper
Saturday 31st August David Spurr Angela Spurr
Saturday 7th September Pam Venn Beryl Noble
Saturday 14th September Peter Chesser Kamran Nadim
Saturday 21st September Graham Roots Bryony Wood
David Clifton and his green team are still doing a great job keeping the green in a good condition. I must make a special mention of Seton, Bryony’s husband, who spends many hours mowing and helping to maintain the green plus he also does the basic maintenance on the equipment, so a very big thank you to Seton. If anyone else can help David in this time-consuming job, please let him know, he will be very grateful.
Some dates for your diaries:
Saturday 6th July @ 10am, Triples Day Competition, this has had to be cancelled due to so few names signing up once again. If the club is to survive we need members to sign up to the league, friendly games and the competitions.
Sunday 7th July is Funday in the Park, we will be open from 1 – 4pm for roll ups and meet the public. It’s a way of introducing the public to bowls and hopefully encouraging potential members to join. You will have seen the large banners attached to the club fence publicising our club, thank you to Alan Setchell.
Sunday 21st July @ 3pm Ladies v Gents match plus the BBQ. Please put your names in the book if you can play in the game plus on the list on the notice board if you’re staying for the BBQ. Again, partners will be most welcome to come for a delicious BBQ. Please let Kamran know if you are Vegetarian or Vegan. Cost of the BBQ will be amazing value at £10 which includes a raffle ticket. More tickets can be purchased for £1 per strip if you feeling extremely generous.
Sunday 4th August @ 2.30 our President’s team versus the Captain’s team. Once again this is a fun afternoon playing bowls, spectators are most welcome to support the teams. The match is followed by afternoon tea.
Reminder – Now the competitions are well and truly underway, the games must be played by the date shown on the draw sheet and for singles matches, the person whose name is on top in the draw is responsible for arranging a date, booking a rink and arranging a marker.
Have fun and here’s hoping for a better remainder of the season.
Happy bowling
Here we are in mid-June and the season is almost halfway through, but the weather hasn’t got any warmer, I wonder when we are going to see our summer with lots of lovely warm sunshine, not too hot though.
Our season hasn’t started well, we’ve played 9 games, won 1, lost 6 and drawn 2, these include our first Border League and also the first Mid-Sussex. We’ve also had to cancel 4 games, 3 because of the weather (rain stopped play) and 1 because Handcross couldn’t raise a team.
Once again, can I please remind you to put your names down in the folder on the desk in the clubhouse for games that you can play in. It does make the Captain’s life so much easier when picking teams.
I’ve shown below the warden duty roster for the remainder of the season. If you are unable to do your warden duty on the day shown, please remember to find a substitute. You no longer have to clean the club BUT it is very important that the wardens open up the green on every Saturday as the publicity team are advertising extensively for potential new members to come and have a go on a Saturday. There are also a lot of passers-by on Saturday mornings who may well pop in to see what’s going on. Please make them welcome and show them the basics of bowls. Let’s hope some of them will join.
In addition, if there is a home game on the Saturday or Sunday, these will be shown on the notice board, can you please lay up the tables for tea.
Saturday 15th June Pam Venn Beryl Noble
Saturday 22nd June Marie Davies Peter Schlotter
Saturday 29th June Peter Chesser Kamran Nadim
Saturday 6th July John Robey Barbara Rowe
Saturday 13th July Graham Roots Bryony Wood
Saturday 20th July Alan Setchell Josie Allen
Saturday 27th July David Clifton Lorena Daane
Saturday 3rd August Jim Covey Norma Covey
Saturday 10th August David Dunnington Ian Holmes
Saturday 17th August Sheila Howard Margaret Cornwell
Saturday 24th August David Peters Pauline Topper
Saturday 31st August David Spurr Angela Spurr
Saturday 7th September Pam Venn Beryl Noble
Saturday 14th September Peter Chesser Kamran Nadim
Saturday 21st September Graham Roots Bryony Wood
David Clifton and his green team are still working extremely hard maintaining the green and their hard work is paying off. Our green is one of the best that we play on. If you can help David in this time-consuming job, please let him know, he will be very grateful.
David Peters will be holding regular Peters’ Shield games throughout the season; please just go down if you are available. You don’t need to sign up for these games, but they are ideal for all new and experienced players to get experience of playing in different positions. We play 12 ends and after each 4th end we redraw for playing position and rink.
Some dates for your diaries:
Sunday 23rd June @ 3pm Bowls Bash and Strawberries and Cream Tea. Please put your names in the book to play and on the list on the notice board for the tea. Partners are most welcome to come and watch the bowls and enjoy the fab tea. Just think of home-made scones, jam plus cream (the Cornish way) as well as fresh strawberries and even more cream – delicious!!!
Saturday 6th July @ 10am, Triples Day Competition, a terrific way for New Members to meet other Members and have a fun day. Please put your name in the fixtures book on the desk in the Club House. We need lots of names to make this successful. We really don’t want to cancel another event.
Sunday 7th July is Funday in the Park, we will be open from 2 – 4pm for roll ups and meet the public. It’s a way of introducing the public to bowls and hopefully encouraging potential members to join.
Sunday 21st July @ 3pm Ladies v Gents match plus the BBQ. Please put your names in the book if you can play in the game plus on the list on the notice board if you’re staying for the BBQ. Again partners will be most welcome to come for a delicious BBQ. Please let Kamran know if you are Vegan.
Sunday 4th August @ 2.30 our President’s team versus the Captain’s team. Once again this is a fun afternoon playing bowls, spectators are most welcome to support the teams. The match is followed by a lovely afternoon tea,
Reminder – The draw for the internal competitions has been done and all the games are up on the board in the locker room. Please read the rules on the same board and make sure you play your matches before the closing date. The person whose name is on top in the draw is responsible for arranging a date, booking a rink and for all single games, arrange a marker.
Have fun and here’s hoping for a better remainder of the season.
Happy bowling
Well it's here at last, the start of the new 2024 bowls season. The weather hasn’t been kind over the winter with even more rain than usual, but the green team, led by David Clifton, have worked hard and done an excellent job and although still soft, the green looks great for this time of the year.
The green team will still need more help throughout the season so if you can spare the time on a regular basis can you please let David Clifton know.
The latest fixture list is up in the clubhouse and at the front of the availability folder. Please take the time to go through it and sign up for games. This will make the job of the selection committee much simpler.
As most of you will know, we have 2 important early season fixtures. These are known as the Town Challenge where we play a home and away game against our local rivals, Horsham Bowls Club. We have won this game for the last couple of years, retaining the Challenge Shield which we proudly display in the clubhouse. If you can play in this year’s games on the 14th and 26th May, please let club Captain John Leadbeater know.
Just a reminder that until the league games start, the Peters’ Shield is still played on a Friday evening. These games are ideal for all new and experienced bowlers. We play 12 ends and after each 4th end we redraw for playing position and rink. It’s a good way to get experience of playing in different team positions.
Have fun and here’s hoping for a successful season.
All the best
NOTE - Wardens this year are only on duty on Saturdays. As the club is employing a cleaner there is no need for the warden to clean the club facitiies. If there is an afternoon game at home, please lay out the green.
When you are on warden duty will you please open both gates so that any potential new bowlers are made welcome, and shown the rudiments of bowling. John Robey and the publicity team are advertising the club as being availble to try bowls on Tuesday mornings and Saturdays between 11.00 and 1.00pm when we have a warden on duty. The warden duty list is below. If you are not available for duty on the date below, can you please arrange to exchange your day with another member.
Saturday 27 April Alan Setchell Josie Allen
Saturday 4th May David Clifton Lorena Daane
Saturday 11th May Jim Covey Norma Covey
Saturday 18th May David Dunnington Ian Holmes
Saturday 25th May Sheila Howard Margaret Cornwell
Saturday 1st June David Peters Pauline Topper
Saturday 8th June David Spurr Angela Spurr
Saturday 15th June Pam Venn Beryl Noble
Saturday 22nd June Marie Davies Peter Schlotter
Saturday 29th June Peter Chesser Kamran Nadim
Saturday 6th July John Robey Barbara Rowe
Saturday 13th July Graham Roots Bryony Wood
Saturday 20th July Alan Setchell Josie Allen
Saturday 27th July David Clifton Lorena Daane
Saturday 3rd August Jim Covey Norma Covey
Saturday 10th August David Dunnington Ian Holmes
Saturday 17th August Sheila Howard Margaret Cornwell
Saturday 24th August David Peters Pauline Topper
Saturday 31st August David Spurr Angela Spurr
Saturday 7th September Pam Venn Beryl Noble
Saturday 14th September Peter Chesser Kamran Nadim
Saturday 21st September Graham Roots Bryony Wood