Public pay and play
The green is open to the public on Saturdays between 11am and 1pm, Mondays 6.30pm to 8.30pm and Tuesdays 10am to 12pm.
There will be a club member on duty during these times. Play may be also possible at other times by arrangement. Please contact the club (07305 078877) for availability.
To help you discover if bowls is for you, we offer 3 free taster sessions before you need to pay or join.
Pay & Play - £3 per person for one hour, £5 for 2 hours. Equipment including bowls are available.
Flat soled shoes must be worn to avoid damage to the playing surface.
If you are new to bowls the club warden will be available to advise you on how to bowl, rules of the game, etc
We do hope you enjoy playing and if you like it, please come and join us.
Here's what a newcomer had to say about her first visit to the club...
One summer afternoon strolling home through the park, I noticed a banner about taster bowls sessions at the Horsham Park Bowls Club. The idea of playing bowls really appealed to me.
I reflected with nostalgia how my father had played bowls when I was young. Memories of sunny afternoon teas with plates of sandwiches and cakes, then joining in with the washing up.
Would I be any good, could I even throw a bowl or is it bowl a bowl? I had no idea of the etiquette or the scoring of lawn bowls.
The taster sessions offered me a chance to find out. On the banners there were three different days and times. I chose Tuesday morning. The following Tuesday, feeling nervous and anxious at the prospect of meeting new people and doing something I'd never done before, I strolled up to the gate of the bowl's club.
I was met by a member of the club and given a very warm welcome. After a few minor administrative chores I was handed a box of bowls and followed the friendly group of ladies, to play my first bowl. My earlier fears were soon forgotten.
It was a bit of a drizzly morning but it didn't seem to bother anyone too much. I bowled my first bowl and quite surprised myself. I managed to reach the distance of the jack, albeit not getting very close. The members were extremely encouraging, making me feel as if I was doing really well. I was gently coached and also had a go at placing the mat and throwing the jack.
It was so nice to be outdoors getting much needed exercise and having such a lovely time with a welcoming and friendly group of people.
Would I have contacted the bowls club if I hadn't seen the taster session banner, the answer is definitely a ‘no’. The taster session offered me the chance to see if I could even bowl a bowl, to see if it was something that I would like and a chance to see if the people would like me too.
It is now the end of the season and the weather is changing, autumn is in the air. I'm already looking forward to next April and learning more about how to play bowls, questions to be answered and new things to learn such as; how to score and what is the Lead and the Skipper.
I'd like to finish with a big thank you to you all for your kind welcome, encouragement and gentle coaching, over these past few weeks.